Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Always wanted to fly a spinnaker

When you see a sailboat gliding through the calm waters on a sunny summer day with that huge balloon pulling it through the water, did you ever think what it would be like to be on that boat... soooo many times!

A few years ago we purchased a cute looking spinnaker designed for another boat, not ours. We flew it on temporary lines in really light air in the Pensacola B.E.E.R. event. The sail was too big for JD, and we had to let it go to a good friend that had a boat that it fit just right. However, the pleasure flying that sail was lasting. It has taken nearly 4 years for us to consider getting a replacement.

At the end of this summer, we recognized that our main and jib sails needed cleaning. We found a reputable sail cleaning company in Fort Lauderdale. While I was delivering the sails, I asked about the sails they had in the loft. And they had an asymmetrical spinnaker that was the right size for JD. I could barely contain my enthusiasm. A week later when we both drove down to pick up the cleaned sails, I asked if it was still available. Merry Christmas JD! She now has a bold gold asym and chute (the sock that is used to snuff the sail before lowering it.) Now we just have to get everything together to fly it. Hopefully that will be during our New Years eve cruise.

First item to tackle is the Sail Head attachment. The C250 mast head has halyards for the main sail and the jib sail, but not for the Spinnaker. After seeking advice on the Catalina forum, I realized we needed a 'Spinnaker Crane', that's a stainless steel bracket that is mounted at the masthead over the existing Jib sheave pin so that a bracket sticks out ahead of the mast to which we attach a block that is used to hoist the sail. Catalina Direct has them in stock so that was the first item ordered.

Of course, a Smart Car would get better mileage pulling JD.
While attaching the new crane to the masthead, I found that the sheaves were breaking down. They are the pulleys that the halyards pass over, if they fail, then we could not raise or lower the sails! So they had to be replaced. Another order to Catalina Direct. They arrived yesterday, so should be able to fit them on Saturday... oh! that's Christmas eve! Santa better not need any help this Chirstmas Ho Ho Ho.

Today I stopped by West Marine for a pair of 75ah 12v Deep cycle batteries, that blew the Christmas budget. At least we'll be ok for power over the New Year Weekend cruise. Hey, not a lot to do before then, just keep going and it will get done.

You have to love doing this stuff.

More later.


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